
Our advantage: Customized System on demand



The volume of ash is significantly reduced, and the volume can be reduced by 5 ~ 10 times;

Form granular or powdery stable products, and the ash properties are greatly improved;

The ash product is odorless and pathogen free, which reduces the relevant negative environmental effects and makes the treated ash more acceptable;

The products have many uses, such as fertilizer, soil conditioner, alternative energy, etc. 


Serial numbernameGreenmax equipmentInternational counterpartsremarks
1ManufacturerChina Greenmax美国、加拿大、德国、俄罗斯、以色列、日本等美国西屋电气、PEATInternational,Inc、法国航太、Europlasma、英国Greenmax等
2Nominal daily throughput50 tons50 tons 
3Actual daily processing capacity24-50 tons5-10 tons / day 
4Plasma generator life10000-20000 hours500-1000 hours 
5Plasma gun replacement cycle50-60 months3 months 
6Plasma gun replacementReplace atnormal temperatureWait for 3 days for the furnace body to cool and then replace it 
7Plasma gun replacement environmentNormal temperature environmentHigher temperature 40-50 ℃温度越高,维护环境越恶劣,人员每干活30-45分钟就要停下来休整
8energy consumption10KW/H100-200KW/HHandle the same amount per hour (10 tons)
9Energy supplySolar energy can be used (two-phase 220V power supply, 10kw/h)(100-200KW/H) Solar energy cannot be used (three-phase 380V power supply, 100-200kw/h) 
10Gas or gas energy supply启动是需要少量燃气或煤气(0.2-0.5m³)Always supply natural gas or gas (3-5M³) 
11Oil content of oil residue after treatment0.0001% (reaching the national first-class standard)equally 
1224-hour operationOnly 2 people are neededNeed 7-8 people 
13System self generation (waste heat power generation)Support waste heat power generation (steam turbine)Waste heat power generation is not supported 
14Environmental impact of treated waste residueClean without impact (no pollution to groundwater, etc.)Clean without impact (no pollution to groundwater, etc.) 
15Device mobilitySupport convenient mobility (relocation, mobile leasing)Mobile is not supported 
16Floor area of equipment54m³,About 1 40 foot container flat cabinet108-162m³,About 2-3 40 foot container flat cabinets 
17operating costsExtremely lowIt is more than 3 times the operation and maintenance cost of Greenmax equipmentLabor cost of operators, land occupation cost, natural gas cost, etc
18Maintenance cost (consumables replacement cost)Extremely low (only about 10% internationally)Extremely highPlasma generator replacement cost and equipment maintenance cost
19Furnace life8-10 years (made of high-grade steel)5年左右(俄罗斯、美国设备,使用普通钢材制造),实际使用寿命3年左右,系统就报废 
20Front end crushing process支持前端投料搅碎(燃烧更充分,需要时间更短,处理效率更高)不支持前端搅碎(大块投料,需要燃烧事件更长,需要持续供应天然气或煤气)The front end is crushed, the combustion is more sufficient, and the exhaust emission is more environmental friendly and clean
21Full automation of artificial intelligenceSupport full automation (automatic slag discharge)Automation is not supported (manual removal of slag is required)Low labor efficiency leads to higher operating costs
22artificial intelligenceSupport (to be supplemented later)I won't support it智能大数据分析,云平台远程控制,智能传感器监控
23Use of treated fly ashA 、参合到水泥里使用(混泥土)。B、烧制成工业地砖 

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