Progress of national solid waste pollution prevention and control
2222(1)“清废行动 2019” 为贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,坚决遏制固体废物非法转移倾倒案件多发态势,确保长江生态环境安全,2019 年生态环境部组织开展打击固体废物环境违法行为专项行动(“清废行动 2019”),通过卫星遥感等方式对长江经济带 11 省(市)126个城...
Processing technology | Technical parameter | Advantage | Shortcoming |
landfill | 医疗废物特性、地质条件、气候、规模等 | Simple process and large processing capacity | 低减容、高投资、土地占用量大,产生有地占用量大,产生有害气体(NH3、H2S等)和挥发性有机物,需监测土壤和地下水的质量。 |
Chemical disinfection | 药剂浓度、温度、pH混合时间等 | Simple process, good deodorization effect and fast disinfection | 会产生废液、废气,消毒液对人体有害。挥发和半挥发有机物不适用此法。 |
Microwave treatment | 微波强度、处理时间、废物特性等 | Little pollution, easy to realize automatic treatment | The cost is high and the weight loss effect is poor. This method is not applicable to blood and dangerous chemicals. |
temperature and high pressure steam sterilization | 温度、压力、蒸汽穿透度、进料尺寸等 | Low cost and good disinfection effect | The reduction is poor and easy to produce air pollutants. Formaldehyde, phenol and other substances are not suitable for this method. |
Dry heat crushing sterilization method | Waste characteristics, temperature, etc | Low cost, no need for disinfectant | Crushing pretreatment is required, which is easy to produce odor and air pollutants |
High temperature incineration | 废物含水率、温度、停留时间等 | 减容、减重明显,适用所有废物类型,技术成熟,潜在热能可回收利用 | 易污染空气,产生二噁英、多环芳香族化合物、多氯联苯及有害气体(HF、SO2等),废渣和飞灰有毒 |
Pyrolysis treatment | 温度、时间、物料尺寸及特性等 | 温度低,固定重金属,回收热能,可回收能量,废物无需分类和预处理 | The space required is large, the installation cost is high, and radioactive substances and mercury cannot be treated |
plasma gasification | Power, temperature, waste characteristics, etc | 适合各种废物,节省空间,环境无害,回收能量,有毒残留物较低 | New technologies are in the hands of European and American enterprises, and there are few domestic R & D enterprises |
omparison of characteristics of various medical waste treatment technologies
Technology | Infectious waste | Dissecting waste | Cytotoxic waste | Chemical waste | Drug | Sharps |
landfill | P | O | O | O | smaller part | O |
Chemical disinfection | P | O | O | O | O | |
Microwave treatment | P | O | O | O | O | O |
temperature and high pressure steam sterilization | P | O | O | O | O | P |
Dry heat crushing sterilization method | P | O | P | P | P | P |
High temperature incineration method | P | P | P | P | P | P |
Pyrolysis treatment | P | P | P | smaller part | Small part or high temperature ≥ 850 ℃ | P |
Gasification method | P | P | P | P | P | P |
plasma gasification | P | P | P | P | P | P |
(1)“清废行动 2019” 为贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,坚决遏制固体废物非法转移倾倒案件多发态势,确保长江生态环境安全,2019 年生态环境部组织开展打击固体废物环境违法行为专项行动(“清废行动 2019”),通过卫星遥感等方式对长江经济带 11 省(市)126个城...
查看全文1.什么是医疗垃圾 随着社会经济的发展,医疗垃圾的种类越来越多,既包括使用完的医疗及防护器具,如医用口罩、手套、防护服、鞋套以及一次性的医疗器具等,还包括试剂瓶、药品包装袋、过期药品、生物组织等。 2.目前国内的处理方法 传统的处理方法有消毒填埋...