Electronic waste disposal
22361.什么是电子垃圾? “电子废弃物”又称“电子垃圾”,(英文e-waste、waste electronic equipment)。废弃不用的电子设备都属于电子废弃物。电子废弃物种类繁多,大致可分为两类:一类是所含材料比较简单,对环境危害较轻的废旧电子产品,如电冰箱、洗衣机、空调机等...
等离子体法是美国在 20 世纪 90 年代开始研发用以处理危险废物的新技术。用于废弃物处理的等离子体是一种惰性气体经过电离形成的气体云, 通常称为物质的第 4 种状态。等离子体体系中含大量正负带电粒子和中性粒子组成。在等离子体系统中, 通入电流使惰性气体, 通过施加能量使气体发生电离, 产生辉光放电, 在 1/1000 秒内即可达到 300~3000 ℃的高温, 从而使有机废物迅速脱水、热解、缓解, 产生以氢气、一氧化碳和烷烃类等混合可燃气体, 再经过二次燃烧, 得以破坏垃圾中潜在的病原微生物。等离子体技术可以将医疗废物变成玻璃状固体或炉渣, 产物可直接进行最终填埋处置。
Influence parameters
决定等离子体作用的主要因素是设备功率和所能提供的能量, 输出能量越高、产生的温度转换越快,另外必须满足规定的处理时间周期, 废物特性对电磁波作用有影响。
Advantages and disadvantages
The technology of plasma treatment of hazardous waste is to use the high-temperature thermal plasma produced by the plasma torch to quickly decompose and destroy the hazardous waste, in which the organic matter is pyrolyzed into combustible small molecular substances, and the inorganic matter is fused at high temperature to form vitreous like residue. This technology has the characteristics of fast reaction speed, small secondary pollution and wide application range. It overcomes the shortcomings of traditional treatment technologies, such as incineration, chemical treatment and other secondary pollution, complex process, selective waste and so on. It is especially suitable for the environmental protection treatment of solid hazardous wastes such as medical waste, asbestos, incineration fly ash, batteries, tires, radioactive pollution, etc. The unique treatment method of plasma treatment of hazardous waste shows safety, efficiency, no secondary pollution and wide applicability. It provides a very scientific and effective method for the harmless, volume reduction and resource recovery of hazardous waste and municipal solid waste.
(1)高焓、高温(203~304k)、反应时间快(2~10 秒)、电热转换效率高,有利于处理常规方法难以处理的高熔点的废物,并且使得工艺设备的小型化,减少工程投资和节能;
(5)由于反应区的温度高达 800-1500℃以上,可有效地分解对人类危害极大的剧毒物质,如致癌物质二恶英等离子体处理技术的优点是低渗出、高减容、高强度, 处置效率高, 可处理任何形式医疗废物, 无有害物质排放, 潜在热能可回收利用。
It mainly deals with all kinds of waste produced after industrial production, including waste oil, waste residue, waste liquid and other waste oil residue. The components of these wastes mainly include water, oil and sludge, and their proportion has no certain law to follow, because in the production process, the requirements for each material are different. These wastes are mainly analyzed.
1.什么是电子垃圾? “电子废弃物”又称“电子垃圾”,(英文e-waste、waste electronic equipment)。废弃不用的电子设备都属于电子废弃物。电子废弃物种类繁多,大致可分为两类:一类是所含材料比较简单,对环境危害较轻的废旧电子产品,如电冰箱、洗衣机、空调机等...
查看全文格灵迈科技全球分支机构 上海总部及研发中心: 上海迈格灵环境科技有限公司运营中心 地址:上海市静安区南京西路580号仲益⼤厦2903室 上海张江研发试验中心(即将建设) 大庆研发试验中心(即将建设) 新加坡研发中心 地址:Blk 10...
查看全文格灵迈等离子气化技术工艺原理介绍 等离子体裂解气化工艺是利用等离子体所具有的高热焓、高温、能量高度集中、极高的电热转换效率和极快的反应速度等优良特性, 通过对空气的电离在气化炉的裂解室内(又称一燃烧室),瞬间就可使等离子体炬四周产生2000--10000℃以...