
Low radiation nuclear sewage disposal


Nuclear science and technology have been widely used in industry, agriculture, medicine, military and other fields, bringing great convenience and benefits to people's production and life. At the same time, it also has an important impact on people's health, environmental safety and the development of future generations. Nuclear safety has become a topic of general concern, The recent Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan has raised more concerns about nuclear safety. The development and utilization of nuclear science and technology will produce a large amount of radioactive waste. After entering the environment, radioactive waste water will cause water and soil pollution, and may enter the human body through a variety of ways, causing harm to the environment and human beings.



3.Future plasma system application scenarios

Russian scientists have tested a new treatment method of low and medium radioactive nuclear waste, which can be called plasma method. Experts plan to install this device for most nuclear power plants in Russia in the future. The technical principle is to treat the liquid waste in the concentrated salt solution at 1800 ℃, that is, the concentrated salt solution is injected into the metal barrel in the high-temperature melting state, and then cooled into a glassy monomer casting. The advantage of the new method is that it is safer for people and the environment. Uvarov analyzed that plasma technology can turn radioactive waste into glassy waste residue, and greatly reduce its volume, which is easy to store safely for a long time. Uvarov said that the use cost of this device is relatively low, and only maintenance personnel are required to minimize maintenance in safe areas. After treatment, every 1000 tons of radioactive waste water can be concentrated and loaded into a packaging barrel. The cooled salt concentrate can be stored in this state for 300 years, after which most radioisotopes will no longer be dangerous.

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