1.What is oily sludge?
自20 世纪90 年代初,美国、德国等发达国家针对油泥处理进行了大规模的技术研究和设备开发,并制订了严格的法规,如1990年1 月,美国环保局就在资源保护和回收法令及危险和固体废物修正案上对污油泥进行特殊规定并提出技术处理标准。我国对油泥处理技术的研究起步晚于西方发达国家,目前现有的油泥处理技术与世界先进油泥处理技术存在着不小的差距。目前国内外处理油泥常见的技术大致可分为的技术大致可分为:萃取法、焚烧焦化法、生物法、调剖处理法、三相分离法、热解法等.
With more than 15 years of experience in the oilfield sludge treatment industry, Greenmax environmental technology has developed a complete set of industrial routes for oily sludge treatment, including the separation and pretreatment technology of oily sludge, efficient crude oil recovery process and physical oil removal and technology, and the technology of treating oily sludge with magnetic field plasma cracking furnace, The supporting complete water treatment and recovery technology and tail gas adsorption treatment technology have achieved a comprehensive technical breakthrough in the treatment of oily sludge. The treatment content of products is less than 3 ‰, the daily treatment of oily sludge reaches 300 tons, the sewage discharge is zero, and the exhaust gas meets the standard and is reduced.
The main principles of the designed gasification and cracking technology are as follows: the organic macromolecules in oily sludge are gasified and cracked by self heating under high temperature, producing combustible gas and medium and low molecular liquid phase oil, and releasing energy, so as to create economic value; In the process of treating oil sludge, it can be mixed with dry solid waste for gasification and cracking, so as to improve the quality of fuel gas. When the humidity of oil sludge is too high, the gas with low calorific value can be mixed with fuel gas. After mixing at the stove, it can be fully incinerated, releasing a large amount of heat energy, which can be connected to boilers and other equipment for utilization.
The main treatment processes of oily sludge are as follows:
(1) Sort the oily sludge to remove stones and other sundries
(2) Part of the dry sludge with low oil content enters the plasma cracking furnace after crushing.
(3) Sludge with high oil content forms oily slurry water after mixing with water, and then through the crude oil recovery equipment and sludge oil removal equipment developed by Greenmax, it is equipped with qualified Lingmai self-developed chemical agent formula to realize the three-phase separation of oil and cement; After pressure filtration, the mud is sent to the plasma cracking furnace for treatment, and the water is reused after being treated by the sewage treatment process developed by Greenmax. Zero discharge of experimental sewage.
(4) Oily sludge enters the plasma cracking furnace and the following reactions occur
含油污泥升温至800℃,激发内部以原油为主的可燃物,形成活性物质,在炉体底部的等离子空气体流的作用下,发生氧化反应,生成小分子气体,如CO2,H2O等,同时发出大量热能。炉体气体再经过等离子辅炉,去除少量的VOC气体后,再通过气体净化系统处理后高空排放。炉子底部留下的残渣 可直接回归自然或者用于建筑行业原料。该处理技术成本低廉,操作简单,可以充分回收油泥中的石油烃类物,是一种适合中国国情的技术。
Its main features are as follows:
(1) 适用范围广泛
Gasification and pyrolysis technology can simultaneously treat oil sludge, domestic waste, medical waste and other wastes.
(2) 处理规模灵活
Gasification and cracking treatment can be either large-scale plant construction treatment or local and immediate treatment; It can meet the on-site harmless treatment at the place where the oil sludge is generated, and can prevent pollution during the transportation and stacking of oil sludge.
(3) Low cost
This technology adopts the appropriate process flow and designs the reasonable structure of the gasification cracking furnace. In the process of manufacturing the gasification cracking furnace, only the commonly used steel welding treatment is required, and no special heat-resistant materials are required; In the process of operation, the calorific value of high molecular organic matter in oil sludge is fully used to make it self heating, gasification and cracking, which only requires a small amount of natural gas to be preheated to the design temperature; After passing through the dust chamber, water spray and other equipment, the tail gas generated by the combustion stove can be directly discharged into the atmosphere after simple treatment. The cost of the pyrolysis equipment at the waste gasification site and the cost of the simple treatment process are more than 80% lower than that of waste incineration.
(4) Environmental protection and green
This technology controls the production of some pollutants from the process design, such as "dioxin". The formation of dioxin like substances should meet the following basic conditions:
Greenmax technology adopts the following design:
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