
Introduction to medical waste treatment technology

Introduction to medical waste treatment technology

Based on the purpose of environmental protection and resource and energy recycling, and focusing on the strategy of sustainable development, the state has put forward the principles of recycling, harmlessness and reduction for waste treatment. Harmless means that the treated waste is harmless to human health and the surrounding environment; Reduction refers to the obvious reduction of the volume and quantity of treated waste to reduce the harm to human beings and the environment; Recycling refers to the proper treatment of waste to obtain useful materials and energy.

At present, the commonly used medical waste treatment technologies are generally divided into three categories: ① conventional treatment methods, such as disinfection, sterilization, microwave and safe landfill; ② High temperature treatment methods, such as incineration, pyrolysis and gasification; ③ Innovative technologies, such as plasma technology. The following table compares the advantages and disadvantages of several common medical waste treatment technologies. The World Health Organization stated that the selection of medical waste treatment technology should follow the following points: the risk assessment of equipment is the lowest, the impact on human health and the environment is the smallest, low-cost, high-yield and easy to implement; It can fully inactivate infectious microorganisms to protect public health and safety; Know the quantity and type of waste before choosing technology. The following table summarizes the applicability of medical waste treatment technology to different medical wastes.

omparison of characteristics of various medical waste treatment technologies

Processing technologyTechnical parameterAdvantageShortcoming
landfillMedical waste characteristics,
geological conditions, climate, scale, etc
Simple process and large processing capacityLow volume reduction, high investment, large land occupation, large land occupation,
harmful gases (NH, HS, etc.) and volatile organic compounds are generated. The quality of soil and groundwater needs to be monitored.
Chemical disinfectionReagent concentration,
temperature, pH, mixing time, etc
Simple process, good deodorization effect and fast disinfectionIt will produce waste liquid and waste gas, and the disinfectant is harmful to
human body. Volatile and semi volatile organic matter are not applicable to this method.
Microwave treatmentMicrowave intensity,
treatment time, waste characteristics, etc
Little pollution, easy to realize automatic treatmentThe cost is high and the weight loss effect is poor. This method is not applicable to blood and dangerous chemicals.
temperature and high pressure steam sterilizationTemperature, pressure,
steam penetration, feed size, etc
Low cost and good disinfection effectThe reduction is poor and easy to produce air pollutants. Formaldehyde, phenol and other substances are not suitable for this method.
Dry heat crushing sterilization methodWaste characteristics, temperature, etcLow cost, no need for disinfectantCrushing pretreatment is required, which is easy to produce odor and air pollutants
High temperature incinerationWaste moisture content,
temperature, residence time, etc
The volume and weight reduction are
obvious, applicable to all waste types, the technology is mature, and the potential heat energy can be recycled
It is easy to pollute the air, produce dioxins, polycyclic aromatic compounds,
polychlorinated biphenyls and harmful gases (HF, so, etc.), and the waste residue and fly ash are toxic
Pyrolysis treatmentTemperature, time,
material size and characteristics, etc
Low temperature, fixed heavy
metals, recycled heat energy, recyclable energy, waste does not need classification and pretreatment
The space required is large, the installation cost is high, and radioactive substances and mercury cannot be treated
plasma gasificationPower, temperature, waste characteristics, etcSuitable for all kinds of waste,
space saving, environmentally friendly, energy recovery, low toxic residues
New technologies are in the hands of European and American enterprises, and there are few domestic R & D enterprises


TechnologyInfectious wasteDissecting wasteCytotoxic wasteChemical wasteDrugSharps
landfill×××smaller part×
Chemical disinfection××××
Microwave treatment×××××
temperature and high pressure steam sterilization××××
Dry heat crushing sterilization method×
High temperature incineration method
Pyrolysis treatmentsmaller partSmall part or high temperature ≥ 850 ℃
Gasification method
plasma gasification

Note: √ means applicable; × means not applicable

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