
Introduction to medical hazardous waste

Introduction to medical hazardous waste

Medical waste refers to the direct or indirect infectious, toxic and other hazardous waste generated by medical and health institutions in medical, prevention, health care and other related activities. With the development of medical and health care, the total amount of medical waste has also increased year by year. According to the data of the Ministry of health, the total amount of medical waste in 2017 was about 2.0469 million tons, an increase of 6.6% over 2016. Medical waste has the characteristics of pollution and infectivity. Once it is improperly managed or treated, it will cause serious harm to the soil environment, water and atmospheric environment. In recent years, the national awareness of environmental protection has gradually increased, the government attaches great importance to the harmless treatment of medical waste, and the environmental protection and health departments have increased supervision. At present, the treatment methods of medical waste mainly include landfill method, physical method and chemical method. Landfill method takes up a lot of land resources, and improper treatment will pollute soil and groundwater sources. Physical methods include microwave sterilization and steam sterilization, which can kill bacteria better, but its volume reduction effect is poor; Chemical methods include conventional chemical methods and thermochemical methods. Conventional chemical method refers to chemical disinfection method, which consumes a lot of chemical reagents and basically has no volume reduction effect; Thermochemical methods include combustion, pyrolysis and gasification. The combustion method is simple to operate and widely applicable, but the combustion process will produce a large number of toxic and harmful substances such as dioxin and furan, which will endanger the environment and human health; Pyrolysis and gasification methods will produce high value-added by-products when treating waste, which plays the role of waste resource utilization, and has attracted more and more attention. Compared with combustion method, pyrolysis method will produce a small amount of dioxin, furan and other harmful substances in the process of waste treatment. Due to the high temperature of gasification method, the production of dioxin, furan and other harmful substances can be inhibited under high temperature, so the waste treatment by gasification method is more harmless. The treatment of medical waste by gasification has the characteristics of waste reduction, recycling and harmlessness. Thermal plasma has high body temperature, rich in various active particles and free radicals, fast chemical reactions, and can achieve the goal of efficient and harmless waste treatment. Therefore, thermal plasma gasification technology has been developed rapidly in waste treatment.

Introduction to medical waste

According to the regulations on the administration of medical waste formulated in the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention and control of infectious diseases and the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste, medical waste refers to waste with direct or indirect infectivity, toxicity and other hazards generated by medical and health institutions in medical, prevention, health care and other related activities. Medical waste is listed as the number one hazardous waste in the national list of hazardous wastes because it has a large number of bacteria, viruses and chemical agents and is seriously harmful to biology and the environment. In Japan, medical waste is defined as the total amount of waste discharged from hospitals, clinics, health and epidemic prevention, health care, inspection and other medical related units. The medical environment tracking act of 1988 defines medical waste as any solid waste generated in the process of human or animal diagnosis, treatment or immunization, related research or the production or testing of biological products. The World Health Organization (who) estimates that 20% of medical waste can be classified as potentially infectious, toxic or radioactive hazardous substances. Composition, classification and main components of medical waste according to the catalogue of medical waste classification issued by the national health and Family Planning Commission of the people's Republic of China, medical waste can be divided into five categories: infectious waste, pathological waste, damaging waste, pharmaceutical waste and chemical waste. Japan divides medical waste into three categories: radioactive waste, infectious waste and non infectious waste. Germany divides medical waste into five categories, and the specific classification is shown in the table. The World Health Organization (who) divides biomedical waste into eight categories, including general waste, infectious waste, hazardous waste, radioactive waste, chemical waste, pathological waste, pressure vessel waste, and biopharmaceutical waste. The composition and content of medical waste produced by different medical institutions in different regions of China are different. The main components and proportions are as follows: plastic and rubber are

20%-40%, 5%-20% for fabric, 5%-55% for slope glass, 15%-30% for paper, 5%-15% for Mianzhu, 1%-5% for metal, and 10%-15% for others. The harm of medical waste medical waste has the characteristics of space pollution, acute infection and potential infection of pathogens, and its harm is several times or even hundreds of times that of ordinary waste -. Therefore, if the management of medical waste is not strict or handled improperly, it will cause environmental pollution. Medical waste stacking or landfilling not only occupies land, but also pollutes the soil environment. The heavy metal leachate in the waste enters the land under the drainage of rainwater and continues to accumulate, resulting in soil pollution. At the same time, heavy metals can also kill microorganisms in the soil, make the soil lose its decomposition ability, and destroy the plant growth environment. Medical waste landfill dumping or inadequate anti-seepage measures will pollute surface water; The open stacking of garbage will cause a large amount of ammonia, sulfide and other harmful gases to be discharged into the atmosphere, causing serious pollution to the atmosphere; PCBs decomposed from garbage are carcinogens. Medical waste may also cause disease transmission because it contains bacteria, viruses and other potentially infectious pathogens. Pathogens, blood and blood products, contaminated human or animal tissues or body parts and medical waste of sharp objects are infectious. Among them, the reuse of disposable medical devices will lead to the spread of pathogenic bacteria and the outbreak of iatrogenic infections, such as influenza, hepatitis B, AIDS and other infections at any time. The World Health Organization estimates that in 2000, about 23million people around the world were infected with hepatitis B, hepatitis C and AIDS virus due to the use of contaminated syringes.

Classification of medical waste in China

Type of wasteFeatureName and composition
Infectious wasteEasy to cause infectious diseasesObjects contaminated by blood,
body fluids and excreta; Disposable sanitary products, etc
Pathological wasteHuman tissues and animal carcasses
produced during diagnosis
Tissues, organs, pathological sections, etc
Injurious wasteEasy to stab or cut the bodyNeedles, blades, glass tubes, ampoules, etc
Pharmaceutical wasteExpired, deteriorated or contaminated drugsAbandoned or deteriorated drugs and vaccines
Chemical wasteIt is toxic, corrosive, flammable,
explosive and other characteristics
Chemical reagents, waste contrast
agents, chemical disinfectants, etc

Classification of medical waste in Germany

Type of wasteIs it infectiousComposition
Class AnoSolid waste similar to domestic waste
Class BnoBandages, excreta, disposable
needles, etc. used by ordinary patients
Class CyesSource and infected place
Class DnoChemical reagents, drugs,
disinfectants, etc
Class EnoBody parts and organs, etc

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