

格灵迈百科 Relevant knowledge 16790

污染水体:Without harmless treatment, solid waste is piled up at will, which will flow into rivers and lakes with natural precipitation or surface runoff, and deposit for a long time, reducing the water surface, and the harm of its harmful components will be greater. Harmful components of solid waste, such as mercury (from red plastic, neon tubes, batteries, vermilion ink paste, etc.), cadmium (from printing, ink, fiber, enamel, glass, cadmium pigment, paint, colored ceramics, etc.), lead (from yellow polyethylene, lead water pipes, rust proof paint, etc.) and other trace harmful elements, can enter the soil with the leachate if not handled properly, Thus polluting the groundwater, at the same time, it may also penetrate into the water network with rainwater, flow into wells, rivers and even the nearby sea areas, be ingested by plants, and then enter the human body through the food chain, affecting human health. It is found that the concentration, chromaticity, total bacterial count, heavy metal content and other pollution indicators of groundwater seriously exceed the standard around the garbage landfills in some cities in China.

Pollute the atmosphere:固体废弃物中的干物质或轻质随风飘扬,会对大气造成污染。焚烧法是处理固体废弃物目前较为流行的方式,但是焚烧将产生大量的有害气体和粉尘,一些有机固体废弃物长期堆放,在适宜的温度和湿度下会被微生物分解,同时释放出有害气体。

污染土壤:After weathering, rain, surface runoff and other effects, the toxic liquid of untreated hazardous solid waste will penetrate into the soil, thereby killing microorganisms in the soil, destroying the ecological balance in the soil, and even barren in heavily polluted places.Encroach on land:据估算, 每堆积15×104t 垃圾, 约需占地 104㎡。而固体废弃物不断增加的产生量相当迅速,许多城市利用大片地城郊边缘的农田来堆放它们。

Cause secondary air pollution:垃圾露天堆放, 经过风的飞扬以及生活垃圾腐化产生恶臭, 给空气中增加许多新的污染成分,给大气监测与治理带来更大难度。

Hinder the appearance of the city:垃圾不仅污染环境, 威胁居民健康, 而且影响城市风貌, 有损投资环境,加重了环境的承载量。 因此,规范固体废物的处置方案以及完善其应急预案是十分必要的。 本方案主要针对未列入《国家危险废物名录》且按照《危险废物鉴别技术规范》进行鉴别不属于危险废物的的一般固体废物。一般固废相对于危险废物,其危害性较小,但是,弱不有效治理,依然会造成二次污染,对区域环境造成影响。

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