
Smelting application


Scientists have established a sound plasma smelting theory and solved a series of practical problems related to industrial promotion and application. In terms of metal purity, inclusion distribution and crystal structure, plasma technology is comparable to electroslag remelting, laser and electron beam remelting, vacuum induction melting and other technologies, and even plays a unique role in some fields.

Among the vacuum metallurgical process equipment, the plasma cooling bed smelting technology plays a particularly important role in the preparation of large-scale metal ingots and slabs (such as titanium alloy and special steel). Large domestic steel manufacturing enterprises and scientific research institutions have introduced the equal ion cooling bed furnaces of American retech company and German ALD company. The total power of the plasma gun has reached 3300mw, and the maximum titanium ingot is more than 7 tons.

The effect of plasma cooling bed smelting on removing high and low density inclusions is remarkable, but the process development is difficult, the production cost is high, and the stability is poor, which inhibits the rapid development of plasma smelting technology. In addition, the high-power plasma gun uses a large amount of helium, which puts forward new requirements for the establishment of gas purification and recovery devices. With the development of technology, plasma metallurgy technology has returned to people's vision again.

  • Several basic characteristics of arc plasma smelting
  • 对金属的氧化、还原及合金化作用
  • 提高传热方式及效率
  • 对物质交换和化学反应的作用
  • 对熔体的提纯
  • 对非金属夹杂物的清除
  • 建立化学真空气氛
  • 利用氮气直接对金属进行合金化
  • 工艺适用性及扩展性强

These characteristics of arc plasma smelting process enable it to greatly accelerate the process of heat conduction, material exchange and chemical reaction, so as to strengthen the smelting process. Using gas in this way is a meaningful breakthrough in the conventional concept of the role of gas in the metallurgical field. Arc plasma smelting process has strong compatibility and can be combined with other smelting processes, such as plasma electroslag process, plasma induction remelting process and so on. These characteristics make the plasma remelting process play an irreplaceable role, especially in smelting refractory metals, cultivating refractory metal single crystals, refining active metals, recycling precious metals and so on. With the further research and development of plasma technology, it is believed that it will play an active role in solving more complex problems.

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